
Community- Get Involved Day

Community Events

Event Contact

user Alan Corbett
07 4154 8764

Event Details

Event Date
22/01/2023 10:00 am to 22/01/2023 12:00 pm
Event Location
Moore Park Beach Community Hall
Event Price
attach_money Free

Volunteers contribute their time and effort to many organisations in Moore Park Beach. Without them, the community would not be as welcoming, inclusive and friendly as it is. Local organisations also offer those with some spare time the opportunity to meet others and give something back to the community. For these reasons the Moore Park Beach Community Association is organising a ‘Community – Get Involved Day’ on Sunday, the 22nd Of January, from 10-12 in our hall. It is envisaged that each organisation listed below will have a table set up, with a couple of members on hand, with forms and information on what they do and how people can get involved with them. There will also be a general form if people would like to suggest a group not present but one they would like to join. So the day has two aims: First, to boost volunteer numbers. Second, to enable MPB residents- both old and new, to discover what organisations are here should they wish to get involved. MPB – Arts Association. Rural Fire Service. Neighbourhood Watch. Coral Coast Cottage known as The Pink House. Community Association. Scouts. Men’s Shed. Surf Club. Lions Club. Thank you.
