
The 22nd of May 2024 is WOW Day, which stands for wear orange to work Wednesday. On this day we encourage the community to wear orange to work to give thanks to SES volunteers who generously give their time to help during flood and storm emergencies.

Flanders street

Gin Gin State Emergency Service Support Group Inc. Is holding a Texas Hold'em night at the Highway Hotel in Gin Gin on the 23rd May 2024. Registration at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Entry fee $20 at the door to play, bookings welcome 0476 778 977.

Flanders street

The Bundaberg Powerboat Club along with their Major Sponsor Smillie's Group, would like to invite the Bundaberg community to come along to their May Bundy Fun Day event at Sandy Hook, on Sunday the 19th of May. With free entry, the event will offer for all whom attend an opportunity to witness all the excitement of Powerboat Racing from junior outboards through to high performance inboards. However, if it's thrills your chasing, Smillie's Group will again be in attendance with one of their helicopters offering thrill seekers throughout the day the ultimate Bundaberg to Bargara joy flight experience for the discounted rate of $100pp. As always, the Hinkler Lions Club & Dayzee’s Kombi Coffee will have you covered for all your food & beverage needs. So come along and share in what's sure to be a great day out in Bundaberg.

Sandy Hook, Branyan

Primary school aged children across Australia will make those important steps towards a healthier future by participating in National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday 10 May 2024. Please save the date and get involved. This May marks the 25th anniversary of National Walk Safely to School Day. Championed by the Pedestrian Council Australia, the initiative aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking, or alternative active transport (especially to and from school) can provide for the long-term wellbeing of our children, not just on 10 May, but every day Apart from the physical benefits, regular walking (or similar) also has a favorable impact on children's cognitive and academic performance.

Sign up as a volunteer for the harvest today! Flower pickers and bunchers needed No experience necessary Learn new skills...

1 Fitzgerald Street, Norville QLD, Australia
