Neighbours Aid

NEIGHBOURS AID BRINGING GOOD OLD FASHIONED OP SHOPPING TO BUNDABERG!Neighbours Aid was founded on the Sunshine Coast in 2002 with an Op Shop on the Sunshine Coast to raise funds for disadvantaged children and their communities around the world. 21 years on and their 9th Op Shop will open right here in Bundaberg.Doors open on the 11th of December to a treasure trove of goods. “The Bundaberg and Wide Bay communities will really benefit from Neighbours Aid opening an op shop here with great quality used goods being offered at great prices,” says Neighbours Aid new Bundaberg manager, Paula Stephenson. “Neighbours Aid has a reputation for that old fashioned op shop feel and our store is no exception. Even though it is in a wonderful, bright and spacious building, you will find we are keeping our prices competitive and all funds raised go to a fantastic cause”.Selling clothing, furniture, bric a brac and everything including the kitchen sink, it is a one stop op shop and donating your quality goods is made easy with a drive through drop off or we can collect your furniture for free.The Neighbours Aid Op Shop will be run mostly by Volunteers from the local community. If you are looking for an outlet for your skills or want to make new friends, you can apply online at

Shop 7, 1-9Enterprise Street, Queensland Bundaberg 4570


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